Below are useful links to other open-source toolboxes which are definetly worth taking a look at:

Toolbox Description
Open-Source Electrophysiological Toolbox ( OSET)

OSET is a collection of electrophysiological data and open source software for biosignal generation, modeling, processing, and filtering, The toolbox is distributed under the GNU General Public License and may be freely used or modified under the specified terms of use. The software was written and is maintained mainly in MATLAB m-code by Reza Sameni of Shiraz University.

OSET includes:

  • general filtering and processing tools (for preprocessing and analyzing ECG and other signals, including R-peak detection, synchronous ensemble averaging, lowpass and bandpass filtering, baseline wander (or trend) removal, and power-line noise cancellation; and nonlinear Kalman filters specifically designed for removing in-band noise from ECG/MCG recordings, or, alternatively, removing unwanted cardiac signal components from signals such as EEG, EMG, and fetal ECG)
  • multichannel decomposition and filtering tools (based on a special class of semi-blind source separation techniques that use prior information about the desired or undesired signal and noise subspaces)
  • multichannel synthetic biosignal and noise generators (for generating realistic multichannel biosignals, including adult and fetal ECGs)
WFDB Toolbox for MATLAB and Octave ( WFDB-APP)

The WFDB-APP for MATLAB and Octave is a collection of functions for reading, writing, and processing physiologic signals and time series in the formats used by PhysioBank databases (among others). The Toolbox is compatible with 64-bit MATLAB and GNU Octave on GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and MS-Windows.


EEGLAB is an interactive Matlab toolbox for processing continuous and event-related EEG, MEG and other electrophysiological data incorporating independent component analysis (ICA), time/frequency analysis, artifact rejection, event-related statistics, and several useful modes of visualization of the averaged and single-trial data. EEGLAB runs under Linux, Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X.